Dr.Shivendra Dwivedi MDCM,FRCPC
National President
Dr.S.D.Dwivedi served as the Chief of Dept. of Anesthesia and President of the Chiefs of Department Committee for over 20 years at Santa Cabrini Hospital in Montreal.He is presently in charge of teaching medical students and residents and works as a senior anesthesiologist at the same institution. He graduated from McGill University with MDCM degree in 1982 and finishing his Anesthesia Residency at the Royal Victoria Hospital in 1987. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada since 1987.
He is President of the Freedom From Poverty Foundation which runs a charity school,medical clinics and a charity hospital in India.The Foundation has treated over 250,000 patients and over 15,000 students have obtained their high school diploma from their school. In recognition of this work he was awarded the “Humanitarian of the Year “ award in 2005 by the Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and the “Community Service Award “in 2015 by India Canada Association.
He served as the Convenor of the Montreal Chapter prior to his induction as a member of the National Executive.
Email: dwivedishivendra@hotmail.com
Chapter Convener

Aditya Tawatia
Convener BC Chapter
Aditya Tawatia, is businessman based in British Columbia, with diverse business interest including real estate, media, organic food, high end natural skin care and pharmaceutical export import globally. He is also involved in number of social project engagements includes media, healthy life style and organic living. Aditya’s real passion lies in forging a strong link between the country of his birth and the country of his living. Currently he has been serving as President of the Indo Canada Global Forum, BC
Aditya also has a keen interest in spreading knowledge about Indian culture through the medium of Yoga. He promotes and organizes International Yoga & Health Expo on yearly basis in Vancouver in support of the spirit of harmony and peaceful co-existence of different cultures, people as well as of balance with nature through healthy life style.
Email: cigfbc@hotmail.com
Website: www.adityatawatia.ca

Kanak Chamarty
Convener Alberta Chapter
Community Influencer and Socially Conscious Entrepreneur. Responsible Global Citizen, liasion with Multiple Govt and Non Govt Institutions. Outreaching Indian diaspora through Multicultural and Multi Business Connections.
Founder of Startups in Canada Portal BPOSCONNECT. Volunteer.
Email: kanakchamarty@yahoo.ca

Dr. Narinder Garg PhD
Convener Ottawa Chapter
Dr Narinder Garg is B.E. (Mechanical), M.E. (Machine design) Gold medalist from University of Roorkee and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. He is also a certified quality assurance and software tester.
Dr Garg worked as Assistant professor at Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi and taught both under and post graduate engineering students. In Canada he worked in companies like Tellabs, Nortel Networks and Nav Canada.
Currently he is volunteering and actively involved in Indo-Canadian community organizations. He is captain workshops and seminars in Indo-Canadian Community Centre (ICCC) and Executive Vice president of Overseas Friends of India Canada (OFIC).
Email: narindergarg47@gmail.com
Chapter Members

Sudhir Sharma
National Executive
Mr. Sharma has over 25 years of engineering and management experience in Aerospace, Defense, Energy, Automotive, Pharmaceutical and most recently medical devices. Mr Sharma current activities includes corporate consultancy to private and public companies in pharma, media and commodity sector. Low cost diagnostic tools and devices development and bringing to India at affordable cost is goal, Mr sharma currently pushing with full dedication and passion. Providing low cost preventive diagnostic services in detecting deadly diseases is his mission to back home India. Mr Sharma, A strong believer and supporter of Holistic approach to Yogic and healthy lifestyle, actively participates in organizing Yoga Expos in Vancouver every year for the local community to practice and promote healthy lifestyle. Mr. Sharma, A Mechanical Engineer and holds an MBA Degree from Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University in British Columbia.
Email: sudhir826@gmail.com
Anil V Shringi
National Vice President, Media and Mass Communications
Anil Shringi is a former Canadian Banker, Journalist, Radio broadcaster, YouTuber, International tread advisory and Supply Chain Management professional. He has been serving Indo-Canadian communities from last 33 years.
Mr. Shringi has build a strong political, social and business networks within Indian, Canadian federal and provincial governments.
Mr. Shringi also devote lots of his time in charities and philanthropic activities both in Canada and India.
He works closely with small agriculture farmers, dairy farmers with their supply chain management obstacles.
Email: anilvshringi@yahoo.com

Rakesh Kumar Sharma
National Executive Member
Email: rakeshksharma@live.com
1990 -1992 Executive member of Hindu Mission of Canada. 1992 -1995 Convener of BJP with late Dr. Dwivedi TD. 2003 – 2007 Founder & 1st President, Chairman of ICO unity parade. 2005 – 2007 Board of Director of Bharat Bhavan Foundation. 2009 – 2015 Ex. Board of Director & Vice-Chairman of Hindu Mission of Canada. 2010-2012 Chairman of parade committee of ICO * 2015 Bhartiya Modi Army National President.

Hemant M. Shah
Convener Winnipeg Chapter
Hemant M. Shah is a forward-thinking business leader with over 45 years of expertise in international trade. His amazing journey from the buzzing city of Mumbai, India to Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1970’s is inspirational. It was literally a 360 degree change from 30 degree to a -30 degree temperature. He found himself at home, away from home¬ and was overwhelmed by the support he received from the Winnipeg community, the Canadian Government as he progressed in his career and still remains indebted. He is Director – Marketing Canada-India Trade, Overseas Friends of India Canada (OFIC) and Director, West Asia International Market for mining, oil drilling Equipment Company, Cubex Ltd.